đź’ˇ5 Creative Ideas for Using the Metaverse in Your Marketing Campaign

Nalikes Studio
4 min readOct 3, 2022


The metaverse is the digital world of virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and immersive experiences. As it continues to grow and expand, businesses are beginning to see the potential marketing value of this new technology.

If your business isn’t sure how to use the metaverse in your marketing campaign, keep reading for five creative ideas for doing so. The metaverse is a digital space that allows users to interact with one another through avatars or virtual representations of themselves. It’s not just a virtual world but rather a network of interconnected digital spaces where you can meet other users through avatars and video chat.

The metaverse has many practical applications in various industries such as healthcare, education, retail, hospitality, real estate, and more. And while it may not be at the forefront of every person’s mind yet as an everyday technology like smartphones or PCs are — we think it’s only a matter of time before its popularity explodes.

Virtual Events

Any business or nonprofit that hosts or participates in events can use the metaverse to make their events more engaging. Virtual events can be as simple as a virtual keynote address from a keynote speaker or a virtual meetup between event attendees.

The virtual event can be an event in and of itself — complete with a designated “venue” where attendees meet and a “stage” where speakers host their sessions. The virtual event can also be an extension of an actual in-person event. For example, if your business hosts a conference every year, you can use the metaverse to make the conference more inclusive. Or, if your business hosts an annual sales meeting, you can extend the event through the virtual space to make it more accessible to everyone.

Virtual Showrooms

Retailers can use the metaverse to make their in-store experiences more engaging and valuable for customers. Whether you are a brick-and-mortar store or an online-only retailer, you can use the metaverse to create a virtual showroom for your products. You can invite customers or visitors to tour your showroom and interact with products in a way that’s easier, more accessible, and more convenient than visiting your store in person.

The virtual showroom could allow customers to view, explore, or virtually “try on” items. It could also allow customers to access personalized recommendations based on their preferences. And it can allow customers to place orders directly from the showroom — whether they’re online or in-person.

Virtual Conferencing

Many businesses conduct conferences and webinars to educate and inspire their employees or customers. But they don’t all have the resources to host in-person events. You can also use VR to host virtual conferences and webinars that are more engaging than traditional online events.

Virtual conferencing allows you to expand the reach of your event to a wider audience — regardless of their location. Because VR is immersive, it can help people feel like they’re actually in the same room as the event host and other attendees. And it can make the experience more memorable and engaging. To host a virtual conference or webinar, you’ll need to create and upload content — like presentations, videos, and discussion questions — to a VR platform. You’ll also want to invite participants to attend or join the event.

Augmented Reality Advertising

Augmented Reality (AR) is a type of virtual reality that allows digital images and sounds to be blended with real-world images and sounds. AR has been used to create everything from interactive billboards to fun, cartoonish look-alike product packaging. AR is a great way to put a creative spin on traditional advertising.

You can use AR to create more interactive and immersive advertisements. You can place the ads in specific locations — like a virtual billboard — where people can potentially see them in the real world. Or you can create an AR advertisement that people can view through their smartphones or VR headsets — which makes it accessible to people regardless of where they are.


Metaverse is growing, and it offers businesses a unique opportunity to engage customers in new and innovative ways. Metaverse can be used to host virtual events, create virtual showrooms, host virtual conferencing, create brand experiences, and even help businesses attract an audience, and community.

These are just a few of the ways that businesses can use the metaverse in their marketing campaign. As the metaverse continues to expand and grow, we expect to see new and creative uses for the metaverse.

If you are looking to integrate Metvaerse experiences in your marketing campaigns contact our team at info@nalikes.com.

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